Memberships - How They Work and How To Set It Up

Written by
August 31, 2023


What are Memberships?

With Pensight Memberships you can create a subscription or lifetime access based membership with a private content feed. It's a great replacement for Patreon or similar exclusive content service. Patreon charges you over 10% for each subscription, while on Pensight you get to keep 97% of the membership revenue.



How does it work?

When you create a membership, people will be able to subscribe to it by paying a recurring subscription membership fee or a lifetime membership fee.

Subscription fees are automatically collected at the beginning of the subscription period. You can set the subscription to be monthly, weekly, every two weeks, or yearly. If your client misses a payment due to insufficient funds or an expired card we send them 3 automatic reminders and then notify you about the missed payments where you can decide what to do, and can remove the person from the membership if you like.

Once you publish the membership you can start adding posts into the membership feed, which can contain text, images, videos, and files. Each post can be marked as members-only, or public. Public posts will be visible for anyone who clicks on the membership on your page, while private post contents will be blurred and only revealed for paid members.

Members will be automatically notified about new posts via an email notification.


Membership Post Comments

With each post you can select if you want to enable comments for each post. You and your members will be able to chat in the comments and use the memberships feed as a community tool.


Can I combine Membership with other products?

If you want to offer extra perks to your members, for example a monthly 1:1 call, there are 2 options:

  1. Post an exclusive discount code in that your members can use when booking you via a paid public 1:1 Session that you have on your page.
  2. Create a private free 1:1ย Session products and post it for the members to book you for free

You can use similar strategy for offering access to any other product.


Still have questions? We're here to help! Chat with us here.


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