Ho To Build The Perfect Email Funnel That Starts With A Freebie Digital Product Using Automations

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March 19, 2024

Automations on Pensight allow you to build an effective email funnel. We'll explore a strategy where you start with a freebie (Digital Product or otherwise)Β on your page which triggers an Email Automation - a sequence of emails to drive your clients to a purchase of a more expensive product. For example a free E-Book, and a paid Course.

Creating an effective email funnel to promote your course, starting with a freebie, involves crafting emails that engage and guide your audience through a journey from initial interest to course enrollment. Below are specific guidelines on email design, subject lines, and content structure for each stage of the funnel.


The structure of the funnel we'll explore:

  1. Start Trigger: Freebie
  2. Email 1: Welcome
  3. Email 2: Engagement
  4. Email 3:Β Education
  5. Email 4: Sales
  6. Email 5:Β Follow Up


The Freebie - What Makes A Good One
πŸ— Key: your freebie provides real value and is a taster of your paid services


A good freebie offers immediate value, solves a specific problem for the target audience, and is highly relevant to the products or services being promoted. It should provide a taste of the quality and expertise that the full offering encompasses. Effective freebies are also actionable, enabling users to achieve a quick win that increases their trust in the brand and interest in further engagement. Moreover, it should be designed to naturally lead into the next step of the customer's journey, encouraging deeper interaction with the brand.


How to do it: set up a freebie as a Digital Product on your Pensight page.


For example, if your Main offering is a full course on nutrition you freebie could be a few great recipes that represent your nutrition principles.

It works because it directly aligns with the product or service you're upselling. In the context of upselling a course on healthy nutrition after offering a freebie (e.g. an eBook titled "5 Free Whole Food Recipes") the freebie should serve as a practical introduction to the broader concepts, and philosophies that will be covered in more depth in the course. It should demonstrate your expertise and the quality of content participants can expect, encouraging them to enroll in the course to further their knowledge, skills, and transformation towards healthier living. This strategic alignment ensures the freebie is not just valuable on its own but also acts as a compelling gateway to the upsell.


Starting with the Automation

Go to the Marketing page in your Pensight Account and click....


Email 1: Welcome
πŸ— Key: keep it clean and focused on freebie, no promos here


Send the first Welcome email immediately after the purchase. Your product was included in the automated purchase confirmation email already, so you don't need to worry about including it here.

‍Subject Line: "Welcome! Your [Freebie Name] Inside 🎁"

Design: Keep it clean and focused on the freebie. Use your branding colors, a simple layout, and a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button to access the freebie.


  • Greeting: Start with a warm welcome and express gratitude for their interest.
  • Value Proposition: Briefly introduce the value of your freebie and how it can help them.
  • Teaser: End with a teaser about what’s coming next, e.g., "Stay tuned for exclusive tips on [topic] that I'll be sharing in the coming days!"


Email 2: Engagement
πŸ— Key: Create engagement by asking for feedback or thoughts replying to your email

The goal of Email 2 in the sequence, following the delivery of the freebie, is to engage the recipient further by getting their feedback on the freebie and sending some examples. This email aims to establish a two-way conversation, making recipients feel heard.

It can also give you a chance to gather insights on their preferences and experiences, which can inform future content and offers. The goal is to also subtly prime them for the upcoming content, making them more receptive to future emails, including those promoting the paid product.

Wait for 24-48 hours after Email 1.


Subject Line: How did you like [Freebie Name]?


  • Feedback Request: Ask how they found the freebie and encourage replies to create engagement.
  • Success Stories to build credibility: Share a brief story of how someone benefited from your course.
  • No Selling: at this stage you should not be selling. or openly advertising your product. Your case study should be conversational.


Email 3: Education
πŸ— Β Key: Provide valuable tips or insights that connect with the freebie but delve deeper


After your engagement email, the goal of Email 3 is to build on the engagement initiated in the previous emails by providing valuable educational content that expands on the topics introduced in the freebie. This email seeks to further establish your credibility, showing the depth and value of the insights and knowledge you offer. By sharing actionable tips, advanced insights, or deeper explorations into the subject matter, you aim to continue building trust in your skills and knowledge. This strategic nurturing is designed to make the idea of enrolling in your paid product or service more appealing, by showcasing the kind of transformation or improvement they can expect, thus leading them closer to making a purchase decision in later steps.


Subject: [X] Ways to [Achieve Specific Outcome] – Don’t Miss!


  • Educational Content: Provide valuable tips or insights that connect with the freebie but delve deeper, demonstrating your expertise.
  • Soft Sell: Introduce your course as a way to further explore or solve the problems discussed, with a link to learn more.


Email 4:Β Sale
πŸ— Credibility Key: Include testimonials


The goal of Email 4, typically the sales email, is to directly promote your paid product. This email transitions from the nurturing and educational content of the previous messages to a clear, compelling call-to-action. It leverages the trust and interest built up through the freebie and the follow-up content to present the course as the natural next step for recipients looking to deepen their knowledge, and get the full value of your service or product.

This email should highlight the value, benefits, and unique features of the paid product, address potential objections, and create a sense of urgency or scarcity to prompt immediate action. It's designed to convert engaged and warmed-up leads into paying customers by making a persuasive case for why the paid service is a worthwhile investment. If you're struggling to refine the email copy, a great way to get ideas is to try to feed your draft to ChatGPT and ask to improve it or offer specific feedback - it will help you to improve but you shouldn't aim to replace your own words completely.


Subject Line: "Unlock Full [Course Topic] Mastery – Enroll Now!"

Design: Use persuasive elements like testimonials, success rates, or before-and-after scenarios.


  • Problem Statement: Start by addressing the pain points your product solves.
  • Solution: Present your product or service as the solution, focusing on benefits and outcomes rather than features.
  • Testimonials: Include a few short, impactful testimonials.
  • Scarcity: Mention any enrolment deadline or limit to create urgency.
  • CTA: A clear, compelling call-to-action with the link to your product.


Email 5: Reminder
πŸ— Key: Strong, urgent call-to-action.


The goal of Email 5 in the sequence, often a reminder email, is to nudge recipients who have shown interest but have not yet taken the decisive action to enroll in the course. This email serves as a final push, emphasizing the urgency and scarcity of the offer (for example, highlighting a closing enrollment window or a limited-time discount). It aims to overcome last-minute hesitations by reiterating the value and transformative potential of the course, possibly addressing common objections or concerns.

The primary objective is to prompt immediate action by reminding recipients of what they stand to gain by enrolling and what they risk missing out on if they delay further. This is achieved through a clear, direct call-to-action, ideally creating a sense of immediacy that encourages those on the fence to make a positive decision.


Subject Lines:

  • "Last Chance to Enroll Before Doors Close!"
  • "24 Hours Left: Don’t Miss Out on [Course Name]!"


  • Urgency: Highlight the closing enrollment window and what they stand to miss.
  • Objection Handling: Address common objections (price, time commitment) with counterpoints or solutions.
  • Final CTA: Strong, urgent call-to-action with the link to your paid product.

Consider adding a coupon code to your last email to help clients make the decision. You can create coupon codes in the Products page in your Pensight account.


You can set up all of this right in your Pensight account. Start a new Automation in Marketing page, connect it your freebie, and design the emails all in one place.

Start today:Β 

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