Organic vs Cultivated Clients: Which is Best for Your Business?

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February 20, 2023

When it comes to building a successful business, one of the most important factors is the quality and quantity of clients that you have. There are two main types of clients that you can have: organic and cultivated. Each has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right type of client will depend on your specific business goals and needs.

Organic Clients

Organic clients are those that come to you naturally, without any specific efforts on your part. They may find you through a search engine, a referral from a friend, or simply by stumbling upon your business. These clients are often considered to be the "creme de la creme" of clients, as they are highly engaged and interested in your products or services because of their intrinsic motivations.

For example, imagine you make content about nutrition, and sell consultations - organic client might come to you because they found a TikTok you did about nutrition sharing a specific piece of interesting information and end up booking a session with you. They may then become an ongoing customer because they value the content and advice that you provide first, they don’t feel like they are sold to, and your services are naturally aligned with their motivations. Additionally, organic clients are often more likely to refer others to your business, which can help to increase your client base.

Organic marketing to acquire clients organically usually is a longer term exercise but its efficiency compounds over time - the question is how much time you have and how much time you can dedicate for producing content and building your presence on multiple channels.

You can get our free organic marketing ebook for coaches and creators here.

Cultivated Clients

Cultivated clients are those that result from an intentional effort on your part. This could involve aggressive marketing, advertising, or even direct outreach to prospective customers. It may take more time and effort to cultivate clients, but the customers that come out of these efforts  are often of good quality, as they have a higher level of commitment and engagement

For example, say you have a fitness program that you run primarily online. You may use social media ad campaigns to directly reach out to potential customers and increase awareness of your program. You also may use influencers to increase your credibility. In either case, you are intentionally trying to cultivate clients who will be interested in your program and potentially become customers

Cultivated clients can be valuable assets to your business because they are often more predictable and stable to acquire. Your paid campaigns can have a clearly measurable ROI on your efforts which you can work to improve over time and. While organically the efforts are longer term and it’s more difficult to evaluate your early efforts in terms of their efficiency. If you have resources, cultivated clients are easier to target and acquire than organic clients more quickly - the targeting granularity that Meta or Google ads provide make it easier to capture attention at the moment of need.

Ultimately, the best type of client for your business will depend on your specific goals, needs, and resources. Organic clients are ideal for businesses that are looking to build a loyal and engaged customer base and have time available as a resource, while cultivated clients are ideal for businesses that have resources are looking to quickly increase their client base and revenue

Factors to Consider When Deciding Which Type of Clients to Target
  • Your target market and ideal customer: how easy they are to target; how well can you define them; where you can find them
  • Your marketing and sales strategies: time you have; budget; channels that you can use to reach your clients
  • Your overall business goals and objectives: rrganic growth over longer term vs aggressive growth in the short term

By taking these factors into consideration, you can determine the best type of client for your business and develop a strategy to acquire them. Read more here on how to acquire organic clients for your coaching business.

Advantages of Organic Clients
  • Naturally engaged and interested in your products or services
  • More likely to purchase and become long-term customers
  • More likely to refer others to your business
Advantages of Cultivated Clients
  • More predictable and quick acquisition channels
  • More willing to make large purchases and commit to long-term contracts
  • Easier to target according to specific parameters

In conclusion, whether you choose to invest into organic or cultivated clients, it is important to have a clear understanding of your business goals, resources, and the type of clients that will best help you to achieve those goals. Consider the factors from above and don’t try to replicate someone with a very different resource set. You need to define your own strategy with the specific constraints that you are dealing with.

By taking the time to consider your options and develop a strategy, you can increase your chances of success and build a thriving and profitable client base.

More resources for coaches:

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